Consignment of a nostalgic locomotive from
Germany to Thailand

In May 2011 we obtained the order from our customer in Bangkok to ship a historic locomotive for the purpose of restoration and exhibition for the Jesada Technical Museum.

On 3 June 2011 the historic locomotive of the type Hanomag BN2T, constructed in 1912, was loaded to a low-loader at the railroad museum in Heilbronn and was shipped to Hamburg. As the locomotive had a weight of 20,000 kg, a heavy-duty crane was necessary for the loading to the low-loader.

In the seaport of Hamburg, the locomotive was properly loaded and lashed to a flatrack and then, on 15 June 2011, set forth on its sea journey to Laem Chabang (Thailand) on the vessel "Maersk Senang".

The local customs clearance right up to the delivery free to the door Jesada Technical Museum was locally effected very professionally by our agent in Bangkok on 23 July 2011.

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